Prepopulate a Select Field in Gravity Forms with User Data

Prepopulate a Select Field in Gravity Forms with User Data

Introduction: Prepopulate a Select Field in Gravity Forms with User Data
Gravity Forms is a versatile tool for creating forms on WordPress sites, and prepopulating select fields with user data can significantly enhance user experience and streamline data entry. Whether you’re collecting preferences, membership levels, or any other user-specific information, prepopulating select fields with user data can simplify form completion and improve form conversion rates. In this blog post, we’ll explore the process of prepopulating a select field in Gravity Forms with user data, enabling you to create personalized and user-friendly forms effortlessly.

Step 1: Identify the Form and Field:
First, identify the form ID and the ID of the select field you want to prepopulate. You can find this information by inspecting the form using browser developer tools or by accessing the form settings in the WordPress dashboard.

Step 2: Hook into gform_pre_render:
Add a function to hook into the gform_pre_render filter. This function will manipulate the form object before it is rendered.

add_filter('gform_pre_render', 'populate_select_field_with_user_data');

function populate_select_field_with_user_data($form) {
    // Specify the form ID and the ID of the select field
    $form_id = 1;
    $field_id = 2;

    // Check if the current form matches the specified form ID
    if ($form['id'] == $form_id) {
        // Retrieve current user data
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        $user_data = array(
            'User ID' => $current_user->ID,
            'Username' => $current_user->user_login,
            'Email' => $current_user->user_email,
            // Add more user data fields as needed

        // Prepare choices array for the select field
        $choices = array();
        foreach ($user_data as $label => $value) {
            $choices[] = array(
                'text' => $value,
                'value' => $value,

        // Find the select field by ID
        foreach ($form['fields'] as &$field) {
            if ($field->id == $field_id) {
                // Update choices for the select field
                $field->choices = $choices;

    return $form;

Step 3: Retrieve User Data:
Retrieve the desired user data using WordPress functions such as wp_get_current_user(). You can access various user properties such as ID, username, email, and more.

Step 4: Prepare Choices Array:
Prepare an array of choices using the retrieved user data. Each choice should consist of a label (e.g., user email) and a corresponding value (e.g., user email).

Step 5: Update Form Choices:
Find the select field within the form array using its ID and update its choices with the prepared array of user data.

Step 6: Test and Deploy:
Test the form to ensure that the select field is prepopulated with the desired user data. Once confirmed, deploy the form on your WordPress site.

Prepopulating a select field in Gravity Forms with user data offers a convenient way to personalize forms and streamline data entry. By leveraging the gform_pre_render filter hook and WordPress functions, developers can dynamically populate select fields with user-specific information, enhancing the overall user experience. Whether you’re collecting user preferences, contact details, or any other type of user data, integrating user data into select fields can simplify form completion and improve form conversion rates. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to seamlessly prepopulate select fields in Gravity Forms with user data and create personalized forms tailored to your users’ needs.

If you need help coding a user solution like this please get in touch

Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash.

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