Integrating Woocommerce with a flutter app

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integrating WooCommerce with a flutter app

Overview – integrating WOocommerce with a flutter app

I was asked by my client to work closely with the App development team integrating WooCommerce with a flutter app.

App store links to the apps can be seen here Apple and Google.

The app would allow a customer to browse their catalogue of agricultural product and add to cart directly from the app then checkout. The back end processing and payment processing was all done via WooCommerce. The app serves as a front end to the service.

We used the WooCommerce rest API to pull products in real time from the WooCommerce store, and show prices, availability.

I created a custom authentication process so a customer could use single sign on from the app to authenticate to the store via Microsoft Azure. This was one the the main challenges of the project, I setup custom code to create a SSO between the app and WooCommerce including creating a new user if one did not already exist.

The app would use the WooCommerce rest API to push items to the cart once a user was authenticated.

Once they were ready to checkout the app opened a WebView to a custom checkout view which removed all heading and footer data and allowed checkout and the thankyou page to be displayed on the app as if checkout had happened natively.


Here is a video walk through of the app in action. Sorry for the portrait view, it was recorded directly from my iPhone.

Wrap Up – integrating WooCommerce with a flutter app

If you need help integrating your app with WooCommerce or any other integration, please get in touch.

I offer a consultation service where we can discuss how to integrate your Flutter app with the WooCommerce rest API and more importantly how to integrate the WooCommerce checkout with a webview, which is the real challenge of this integration get in touch.

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