A Guide to Bulk Categorizing WooCommerce Products

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Bulk Categorizing WooCommerce Products

As your WooCommerce store grows, organizing your products becomes increasingly important for both you and your customers. Proper categorization not only enhances the shopping experience by making it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for but also streamlines your store management process. If you’re dealing with a large number of products, manually categorizing them can be time-consuming and tedious. Fortunately, WooCommerce offers built-in tools and third-party solutions to help you bulk categorize your products efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll explore various methods for bulk categorizing WooCommerce products to save you time and effort.

Why Bulk Categorization Matters

Efficient product categorization is essential for several reasons:

  1. Improved User Experience: Well-organized product categories make it easier for customers to navigate your store and find the products they’re interested in, leading to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.
  2. Simplified Management: Proper categorization streamlines store management tasks such as inventory management, pricing updates, and promotional activities, allowing you to stay organized and focused on growing your business.
  3. SEO Benefits: Clear product categories and hierarchies can improve your store’s search engine visibility, making it easier for potential customers to discover your products online.

Method 1: Using WooCommerce Bulk Edit Feature

WooCommerce provides a built-in bulk edit feature that allows you to update multiple product attributes simultaneously. Here’s how you can use it to bulk categorize your products:

  1. Navigate to Products: Go to your WooCommerce dashboard and navigate to Products > All Products.
  2. Select Products: Use the checkboxes to select the products you want to categorize.
  3. Bulk Edit: From the Bulk Actions dropdown menu, choose Edit and click Apply.
  4. Update Categories: In the Bulk Edit form, locate the Categories field and add or remove categories as needed. You can also create new categories on the fly.
  5. Save Changes: Once you’ve made your changes, click the Update button to save your updates.

Method 2: Utilizing Bulk Category Management Plugins

For more advanced bulk categorization capabilities, you can leverage plugins specifically designed for managing WooCommerce categories in bulk. Here are a few popular options:

  1. Bulk Table Editor: This plugin provides a spreadsheet-like interface for managing WooCommerce products and categories in bulk. You can filter products by category, update multiple products at once, and perform various bulk actions with ease.
  2. WooCommerce Product CSV Import Suite: With this plugin, you can import and export product data using CSV files, making it easy to update product categories in bulk. You can map CSV columns to WooCommerce product fields, including categories, and perform bulk updates efficiently.
  3. WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit: This plugin offers powerful bulk editing capabilities for WooCommerce products, including category management. You can filter products by category, apply changes to multiple products at once, and save time on repetitive tasks.

Method 3: Using WP All Import Plugin

WP All Import is a versatile WordPress plugin that allows you to import and update WooCommerce products in bulk using XML or CSV files. Here’s how you can use it to bulk categorize products:

  1. Prepare Your Data: Organize your product data in a CSV or XML file, including columns for product ID and category.
  2. Map Data Fields: Use WP All Import’s intuitive interface to map your CSV or XML columns to WooCommerce product fields, including categories.
  3. Import Products: Upload your data file to WP All Import and initiate the import process. WP All Import will update product categories based on the mappings you’ve configured.
  4. Review and Confirm: Once the import is complete, review your products to ensure that categories have been updated correctly.


Bulk categorizing WooCommerce products doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By leveraging built-in features, third-party plugins, or import/export tools like WP All Import, you can streamline the process and save valuable time. Whether you’re organizing a large inventory or adding new products regularly, efficient categorization is key to maintaining a well-organized and user-friendly store. Try out the methods mentioned in this post and take control of your WooCommerce product categories today!

If you need help bulk categorising your products get in touch.

Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

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