Understanding the WordPress auth_redirect() Function

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the wordpress auth_redirect() func function


Today, we are going to talk about a very significant function in WordPress that is critical for site security and user verification processes. Its name is the auth_redirect() function. This function might be seen as a technical concept only relevant to developers, but its basic understanding can benefit anyone working with WordPress.

What is auth_redirect() function

In essence, the auth_redirect() function is a WordPress built-in function that checks if a user is logged in to their account. If they are not logged in, it redirects them to the login page. Once the user logs in successfully, they are then redirected to the original page they intended to visit. It provides a seamless experience for users while ensuring access control on the platform.

How does auth_redirect() function work?

The auth_redirect() function, at its core, verifies the user’s authentication cookies. If it can’t find these cookies, or if they’re no longer valid, the function will redirect the user to the WordPress login screen. The magic with this function is that it remembers the page that the user was attempting to access in the first place. Upon successful login, WordPress will redirect the user back to that particular page, rather than the default page after logging in.

Where to use the auth_redirect() function?

This function is quite versatile and can be used in many different parts of a WordPress site. Typically, you might use it on page templates that you wish to restrict access to. For instance, you may want only logged-in users to access specific sections of your website, like account settings or profile pages. By using the auth_redirect() function, you’d ensure that only authenticated users gain access to those restricted areas.

Implementing auth_redirect() function

To use auth_redirect(), all you need to do is call it before the get_header() function in your custom page template. The get_header() function is generally used in WordPress to get the `header.php` template file. It is usually used in templates to display the header of a page. Here is how it could look: ``

Example of auth_redirect()

Suppose you want to create a page that should only be viewed by logged-in users. If a logged-out user tries to access this page, they’d be sent to the WordPress login page automatically. Once they log in, they’d be sent back to the page they were trying to visit. To add such functionality, you can insert the auth_redirect() function at the beginning of your code:


add_action( ‘template_redirect’, ‘nm_redirect_to_homepage’ );

function nm_redirect_to_homepage() {
if( is_page( ‘timeline’ ) && ! is_user_logged_in() ) {

Further Notes

auth_redirect() should be used with awareness because it can affect your site’s performance if it’s called on every page load. You should only use it on the pages which need to restrict access. It’s also necessary to note that this function must be called before any output is sent to the browser. Otherwise, you may run into issues with headers already sent by PHP, which would break the redirect functionality.


In a nutshell, the auth_redirect() function is a powerful tool in the WordPress arsenal that allows you to control access to your content while offering a smooth user experience. It’s a way of ensuring that only logged-in and authenticated users can access certain parts of your website. Walking a mile in the shoes of a developer may initially seem intimidating but rest assured, understanding functions like auth_redirect() function bring you one step closer to mastering WordPress.

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